Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Brother Blog: Robin Keyser

Name: Robin Keyser

Position: Secretary, Ski Trip Committee Head

Previous Positions Held: Alumni Committee Head

Semester Joined: Fall 2012

Class: Psi Class

Estimated Graduation: May 2015

Major: Dietetics

  • Why did you join Phi Sigma Pi? I joined PSP because I really wanted to get more involved on campus and get more involved so I could get more leadership experience and have a really close group of long lasting friends. That, and Erica convinced me ;)
  • How has it changed your life since you decided to join? (Brothers only) I definitely have made so many friends through PSP and I feel as if I have also grown in so many ways. Having positions within the chapter has also allowed me to become more of a leader. Thanks Erica ;)
  • Sum up Delta Rho in three words/phrases: Rewarding, social, exciting
  • What motivates you? Thinking about my future and what I want to do with my career! Especially when it comes to school, thinking about what I will be able to accomplish and how I can help other motivates me to work hard.
  • What do you think your best quality is? My eyes maybe?

  • Would you say you are more introverted or extroverted? Introverted 
  • If you could transport yourself anywhere instantly, where would you go and why? London! Why not?!
  • What is one item that you really should throw away, but probably never will? My baby blanket….It has so many holes and rips in it, but I can’t throw it out!
  • Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My momma 
  • Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk? 1% pleaseeeee
  • Do you wear socks to bed? No! ew.
  • What is currently bugging you? Thinking about all of the stuff I have to do this week. Bleh!
  • If you were to get rid of one state in the US, which would it be and why? Uhhhhh Wisconsin? I don’t like cheese…
  • Are you happy winter is coming soon? Yes! I love wearing winter clothes and going sledding :) 
  • Pick 2 celebrities to be your parents: Tom Hanks and Reese Witherspoon
  • If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? Mumford and Sons! I. Would. Die.
  • Any advice for future members? It goes by so fast so cherish every moment! Although sometimes your semester or school year can get super stressful, remember that you will always have supportive brothers to help you through and who have your back!!

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