Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Say hello to the Alpha Beta Class!! 
Congratulations to all of our new brothers, we are so excited to have you!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Rush is finally here!!!

   Spring 2014 Rush Week Dates:
    Feb. 4: Info. Night 7pm-8pm in Michener L0074
    Feb. 5: Info. Night 8pm-9pm in Michener L0074
    Feb. 6: Potluck 6:30pm-8pm in North Hall Lounge
    Feb. 7: Potluck 6:30pm-8pm in North Hall Lounge

For more info. contact Amber Daurio at 
or go to:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Brothers: Fall 2013

Welcome Alpha Alpha class!! Congrats on becoming Brothers of Delta Rho!