Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Say hello to the Alpha Beta Class!! 
Congratulations to all of our new brothers, we are so excited to have you!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Rush is finally here!!!

   Spring 2014 Rush Week Dates:
    Feb. 4: Info. Night 7pm-8pm in Michener L0074
    Feb. 5: Info. Night 8pm-9pm in Michener L0074
    Feb. 6: Potluck 6:30pm-8pm in North Hall Lounge
    Feb. 7: Potluck 6:30pm-8pm in North Hall Lounge

For more info. contact Amber Daurio at 
or go to:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Brothers: Fall 2013

Welcome Alpha Alpha class!! Congrats on becoming Brothers of Delta Rho!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Initiate Introduction: Sierra Bitsie

Name: Sierra Bitsie
Position: N/A
Previous Positions Held: N/A
Semester Joined: Fall 2013
Class: Alpha Alpha
Estimated Graduation: Fall 2015
Major: Elementary Education
  • Why did you join Phi Sigma Pi?
    • Because I wanted to be a part of a group of people who are just as naturally curious and passionate about learning as I am. 
  • Sum up Delta Rho in three words/phrases.
    • Quirky, embracing, fun! 
  • What accomplishments are you proud of in your life so far? 
    • Having a 4.0 GPA so far in college. 
  • What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime? 
    • I want to travel the world teaching English in other countries. 
  • What Hogwarts House do you belong to? 
    • Ravenclaw 
  • What are your guilty pleasures? 
    • Any and all wedding shows on TLC. 
  • Do you wear socks to bed? 
    • Always. And I always end up losing them in my sheets. 
  • What are you looking forward to? 
    • Going to Hawaii with my boyfriend and his family during winter break! 
  • What is the last book you read? 
    • I just finished Mad River Road by Joy Fielding. It had such a great plot twist!
  • Any advice for future members? 
    • Be yourself! The greatest thing about Phi Sigma Pi is that everyone is so different and brings something unique to the group. 

Brother Blog: Danielle Penny

Name: Danielle Penny
Previous Positions Held:
Semester Joined: Spring 2012
Class: Chi
Estimated Graduation: Spring 2015
Major: Business Management

  • Why did you join Phi Sigma Pi?
I wanted to get out and meet new people, and it was a success!!  
  • How has it changed your life since you decided to join? (Brothers only)
It has opened up new opportunities for friends in my life that I wouldn't have otherwise experienced.
  • Sum up Delta Rho in three words/phrases
Da Bomb Though
  • Do you think people can change?
  • What is one misconception people have about you?
That I am shy
  • What motivates you?
Future possibilities
  • What do you think your best quality is?
  • What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
If I am going to run out of gas.  
  • Would you say you are more introverted or extroverted?
Introverted but according to MBTI I am extroverted.

  • If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life (but they could sing any song), who would it be?
Natasha Bedingfield 
  • If you could transport yourself anywhere instantly, where would you go and why?
Hawii, because I like the way of life they have.
  • Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My brother Brandon. 
  • What was the last thing you ate?
Ice cream
  • Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
I do sometimes when I can get 3 steps in one cement square block before stepping on a crack. 
  • What is your favorite Halloween costume you have dressed up in?
A cat costume that my Grandma made
  • Favorite letter of the alphabet? Least favorite?
L as my favorite and F is my least favorite 
  • What are some of your fears?
The dark, sleeping with my feet uncovered, and failure. 
  • Favorite hobbies?
Watching movies, playing basketball, racquetball, and frisbee golf! 
  • If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
  • Do you wear socks to bed? 
Yeah, I had to start this year because my house is freezing!! 
  • What are you looking forward to?
Thanksgiving break and going to New York for spring break!! 
  • What are you not looking forward to?
Studying for finals.
  • A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?
It's time to partaaay! and he's here for the party of course! 
  • Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? 
  • Any advice for future members?
If you are going to do something, just go all out!! 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Brother Blog: Linde Chappelle

Name: Lindé Chappelle
Position: Social Committee Head
Previous Positions Held: None
Semester Joined:  Spring 2013
Class: Omega
Estimated Graduation: Spring 2014
Major: Elementary Education, emphasis in History

  • Why did you join Phi Sigma Pi?
    • I was looking to join a club on campus where I could meet new people with similar interests. I found PSP and as I got to know more about the people and the activities of the fraternity I thought it was a perfect fit for me.
  • How has it changed your life since you decided to join? (Brothers only)
    • I have become more confident and learned to work with groups (I tend to like to run the show – big surprise, I know J). I have also built friendships with people who I would have never met without PSP and I know that even when I graduate these friendships will continue!
  • Sum up Delta Rho in three words/phrases
    • Awkward (which is why I fit in so well), Full of inspiration, A home away from home.
  • Do you think people can change?
    • I believe that certain things about people can change. I think that who people are is engrained in them, but they can change the way they act/react in a situation and their opinions and ideas can change over time as well.
  • What is one misconception people have about you?
    • That I’m intimidating 
  • What accomplishments are you proud of in your life so far?
    • I’m proud of my education. I have worked hard to get to this point and sometimes I have wanted so badly to give up. But I stuck with it and now I will be graduating in spring!!
  • What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
    • Mostly my future: conversations I want to have with people, what I’ll do over the weekend, when I’ll get to visit my family out of town, and other things of that nature.
  • How would you rate your memory?
    • If I do something embarrassing I’ll remember it forever! If it’s a homework assignment I’ll forget it unless I write it down.
  • Would you say you are more introverted or extroverted?
    • Definitely introverted
  • Biggest pet peeve?
    • When people don’t know how to use an apostrophe.
  • If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life (but they could sing any song), who would it be?
    • Kelly Clarkson
  • Growing up, what were your favorite toys to play with as a child?
    • Playmobils, Legos, stuffed animals (so I could “teach” them), and wooden train tracks
  • Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
    • My dad
  • What was the last thing you ate?
    • A bagel from Einsteins
  • Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?
    • Whole!!
  • What are some of your fears?
    • SPIDERS!!
  • Favorite hobbies?
    • Any type of craft, but especially knitting, crocheting, and sewing
  • If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
    • Pizza with pineapple J
  • Do you wear socks to bed? 
    • If I’m really cold
  • What are you looking forward to?
    • Graduation!!!
  • What are you not looking forward to?
    • Having to leave PSP
  • Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
    • Not usually, but I will take the lotion bottles if I like the smell.
  • Pick 2 celebrities to be your parents
    • Robert Downy Jr. and Lisa Kudrow
  • Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? 
    • Hmmm, difficult question. I do love the Colorado Mountains and I like to snowboard, but the beach is so inviting and pretty as well. Can I have both?
  • Any advice for future members?
    • Always be yourself; if something is bothering you speak up; don’t let one bad day ruin your PSP experience.

Brother Blog: Michielle Chritz

Name: Michelle Chritz
Position: Recruitment Advisor
Previous Positions Held: Service Chair, Senior Night Head
Semester Joined: Spring 2012
Class: X (Chi)
Estimated Graduation: December 2015
Major: Elementary Ed, Concentration of Mathematics and a Mathematics Minor

  • Why did you join Phi Sigma Pi? 
    • I really wanted to be involved on campus and in the community. I thought PSP would be a great place to always know people of all ages and all majors, so I didn’t only hang out with people from my major.
  • How has it changed your life since you decided to join? (Brothers only) 
    • I have created bonds that will last a lifetime and memories that will as well!
  • Sum up Delta Rho in three words/phrases 
    • Brotherhood, Quirky, and Outrageous! J
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? 
    • No! This frustrates me so much when people think that you can love someone at first sight because here’s the thing… you don’t know them at all! Love at first sight is extremely superficial and it can’t be love in my opinion because you in order to truly love someone you must be in love with every aspect of them, especially their heart.
  • Would you say you are more introverted or extroverted?
    •  I’m totally an extrovert! I love people and I love being around people. I get my energy from hanging out with friends and laughing (of course laughing!). So I must apologize to all of my introverts because I totally steal your energy! Love ya!
  • Lemonade or iced tea? 
    • Arnold Palmer duh!
  • What is your favorite Halloween costume you have dressed up in? 
    • I was a present in the sixth grade! (this one’s for you J-man)
  • What are your guilty pleasures? 
    • COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE!!!!!!!! (“Yuck! Yuck! It’s terrible but wonderful it’s like freedom in a cup!!!!” from Open Season)
  • Do you wear socks to bed? 
    • I seriously can’t sleep with socks on no matter how cold it is. So, even if I go to bed with socks on they end up smooshed in my covers or on the floor by morning!
  • Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? 
    • Colorado Native baby! Mountains all day!
  • Any advice for future members? 
    • Get to know as many members as you can and don’t wish away a single day of this because we only have a limited time here at UNC, so make the best of it!